What Are Ancestor Readings?

Ancestral Readings and Tarot Readings provide a means of communication with those who love us most. Our angels could be beloved deceased grandparents & or those who wish they were still here on earth, to be apart of our lives, choices and decisions.

Ancestor Readings should be the first step when beginning on this path. To be fully transparent, the ancestors can be extremely brash and straight forward. Try not to be afraid or in defense mode, as they have your very best interest at heart and only want you to heal. Ju will let you know their frustrations, if any LOL. Each reading is different, no message is the same. Allow them to show their personality, without taking things personal. By selecting the ancestral reading FIRST before our other reading offerings, you’ll have a NEWFOUND sense of clarity & direction of your life’s purpose. From there you may want to check in every other month with tarot readings or another ancestral readings for guidance.

The goal after your reading is to begin the communication with your angels and guides. Trust that this moment is meaningful and purposeful. During ancestral readings, your spirit team will be able to clearly introduce themselves and provide their messages in the most loving way possible. Ask specific questions or simply listen to what they are saying. From my own experience, they will never steer you wrong because they want the best for you. They want you closer to God, they want you to have a stronger faith, and most importantly they want you to be free from low vibrations like deep depression, anxiety, and not knowing your purpose on earth. They may want you to develop your unknown spiritual gifts, they may want you to start a passion project , or perhaps dump that loser! Trust and have faith that all things are working out for you, no matter what they share with you.