Sunstone (Tumbled) - Lust for Life.

Sunstone (Tumbled) - Lust for Life.

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Chakra: Root & Sacral
Zodiac: Sunstone is not associated with any zodiac sign; however, it will bring out the sensuality of Virgos and will temper the sexuality and possessiveness of Aries. [Megemont, 173] May also aid Leo & Libras.

Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent "good luck" crystal for competitions. [Eason, 116]

Emotional & Spiritual Properties:
  • Known as a joyful stone, Sunstone inspires the nurturing of self in order to be of service to others.
  • As a workplace crystal, Sunstone increases your profile and brings opportunities for leadership and promotion. Place next to your computer when advertising your own business or services online. [Eason, 116]
  • Excellent for removing hooks from possessive loved ones, lovers, or anyone draining of your energies. Sunstone surrounds these hooks with love and positive energy and returns them to the source. It is especially beneficial when ties need to be cut, or if you have difficulty saying "No." It helps remove co-dependency, overcomes procrastination, and encourages self-empowerment and independence. [Hall, 284][Melody, 629]
  • It restores the enjoyment of life, good nature and provides a sense of abundance. [Hall, 283]
  • Those who hold back because of fears and self-doubt may find Sunstone melts away the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged, or abandoned. It emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies that re-balances one's emotional patterns and encourages optimism and enthusiasm. It can help transform anger into energy and judgment into joy.
  • Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally, or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner.
  • It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress, and protects against those who drain your energies or finances.
  • It is also an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers to ease fear of the dark, enclosed places, or the presence of other triggers. [Eason, 116]
  • It is an excellent "good luck" crystal for competitions. [Eason, 116]
  • It carries the energy of Ra, the sun god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth.
  • It is a stone of leadership, personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Truly reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings openness, benevolence and warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others. [Simmons, 388]
  • Wear Sunstone to feel alive and enthusiastic. It increases vitality and is beneficial in starting, and maintaining, a fitness program or aerobic activity, and for occupations requiring high energy throughout the day. [Eason, 116]
  • With its powers of the sun and light, Sunstone clears and cleanses all the chakras, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit. [Hall, 283] It is particularly energizing to the Base and Sacral Chakras, stimulating leadership and will, creativity and sexuality.

Physical Properties:
  • Sunstone is used to treat chronic sore throats, and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers.
  • Placed on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder, and is helpful in chasing away nightmares. [Megemont, 173]
  • Sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and harmonizing all of the organs. [Ahsian, 388]

  • I am love and light
  • I allow new love and prosperity into my life with ease.
  • I am inspired by my inner visions. 

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