Rose Quartz- The Love Magnet | Fertillity, Self Love, Friendships, & Parenting.
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Keywords: The Love Magnet, Call in Love, Pregnancy & Fertility, Open Your Heart, Strengthen a Romantic Relationship, Fertility, Restore Trust and Harmony, Unconditional Love (Not Just Romantic), Self Love, Compassion for Self, Friendship, Finding True Love, Peace, and Deep Inner Healing.
As a stone of love, tenderness, and sensuality, Rose Quartz is a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulating a lustful imagination. This crystal is calming and reassuring, excellent for healing trauma or mid-life crisis. It strengthens empathy, sensitivity, and aids in the acceptance change. It is also an excellent stone for comforting grief. A large piece of unpolished Rose Quartz in the workplace provides ongoing protection against intrusion and gossip. [Eason, 50] It is also a professional support stone for beauty consultants.
Chakra: Heart
Rose Quartz is also said to strengthen the romantic ardor of Taurus and Libra's determination. [Megemont, 158]
Emotional Healing:
The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored.
It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart's ability to give and receive love. Rose Quartz replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment.
Provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and energy forms a new foundation where inner peace and contentment can become a new reality.
Rose Quartz is also a stone for those unable to experience the joy of living because of never having had love given to them, possibly missing the love and nurturing as a child that is vital for the development of security and a positive self image.
Rose Quartz is the healer for these internal wounds, erasing the baggage from childhood and reprogramming the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within the self. You have to learn to show yourself
love in order to truly love others.
Spiritual Healing:
Rose Quartz is feminine and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe.
Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death.
It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe.
Physical Healing:
Rose Quartz is especially supportive of the female reproductive system and increases fertillity. It assists in alleviating sexual difficulties, post-partum depression, and is thought to help mothers heal after complicated births. [Eason, 50]
It assists in healing the kidneys and adrenals, when placed on the thymus it aids chest and lung problems, relieving coughs and soothing bronchial areas.
Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm.
It is ideal for premature babies or young children with heart weakness or disease, or anyone who needs a stronger, more stable heart. [Ahsian, 332]
I forgive myself for mistakes I have made in the past.
I do not accept the energy of those who try to offload their insecurities on me.
I am worthy and deserving of love in my life.
I am able to give and receive love and affection with ease.
The love I have for myself is unconditional.