Red Jasper - Reveal Hidden Emotions, Resist Emotional Domination
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Keywords: Strength, Stabilize Your Own Energy, Resist Emotional Domination of Others, Nurture Yourself, Grounding, Recovery From Violent Sexual Experiences, Courage to Overcome Domestic Violence, Motivation, Endless Possibilities, Empowerment, Dream Recall.
Chakra: Root Chakra
Zodiac: Jasper is not specific to any zodiac sign but is said to bring Cancer and Capricorn compassion and patience. Aries and Scorpio can also benefit from this crystal. Red Jasper is known for calming Aries’ hot temper. Red Jasper is believed to lend Virgo natives strength and persistence in achieving their goals. [Megemont, 102]
Emotional Healing:
Red Jasper is a known stone of courage and strength for a child who gets bullied at school.
Can re-activate a passion for life when one is feeling blue or unemotional, numb, or spiritually defunct
Red Jasper is commonly used to spark sexual or creative energies. It helps identify one’s ideas and beliefs about sexual expression or orientation and releases shame or guilt around these issues.
Red Jasper helps the user maintain balance and emotional stability during difficult times, like remission periods during a severe illness or in long treatments where the outcome is uncertain.
Spiritual Healing:
This stone attunes to the frequency of fairness and offers assistance to anyone wanting to rectify an unjust situation. Meditating with this stone provides insight into the best way to accomplish the goal and helps bring future problems to light before becoming too big.
Red Jasper’s energy communicates the message that YOU are responsible for all the choices you make and inspires the user not to revisit old patterns but to move forward in all aspects of life.
Physical Healing:
Red Jasper has been used to increase libido and fertility, especially if undergoing treatment for conception. It is believed to help stabilize pregnancies and promote robust fetal growth, and to facilitate safe childbirth. [Ahsian, 215][Eason, 66]
Red Jasper supports the circulatory system, detoxifying the blood and removing blockages of the liver and bile ducts. It strengthens the heart and improves circulation and may be useful in treating anemia, exhaustion, and heart conditions, including the recovery of bypass or transplant surgeries.
I am safe and protected everywhere I go.
I honor my intuition.
I accept my path.
Everyday I am working towards healing my mind, body and spirit.
I am in control of my body and my own decisions.
I am attentive to my own thoughts and feelings.
I have the power to nurture myself back to health.
I am fully embraced by mother earth.