Cinnamon Soap 💸 - Fast MONEY , New Business Ventures, Spice Up Love
Cinnamon Soap is used to attract fast luck, attraction, new money ventures, and attract love.
Cinnamon has a high vibration that can be used to reach a higher state of spirituality. While this spice is related to the fire element, the tree itself is ruled by the moon. The moon with her loving Lunar energy stimulates our higher selves and thinking. Cinnamon, being ruled by fire and the moon elements can provide protection as well as assist us in increasing our psychic or clairvoyant energies.
Cinnamon enhances sexual and sensual energies. It is notorious for “heating up” cold romances and igniting passion. Cinnamon is believed to enhance the male libido.
After Bathing, Air dry. Do not dry off / wipe off the essence of the soap. Let it dry on your skin for the full benefit.