The "Lost" Book of Enoch: Forbidden Knowledge, Fallen Angels, & Giants

Book 1: The Watchers: Chapters 2,3,5,6

The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish religious work attributed to Enoch, a biblical figure who was said to have walked with God. It is believed to have been written between the 3rd century BCE and the 1st century CE. The book consists of several sections or "books" that contain a mixture of apocalyptic visions, prophetic revelations, and moral teachings.
The book begins with the story of Enoch's celestial journey and his encounters with angelic beings and divine revelations. It then delves into the fallen angels known as the Watchers, who descended to Earth and corrupted humanity. The Book of Enoch describes their teachings, the introduction of forbidden knowledge, and the consequences of their actions.
The latter part of the book focuses on Enoch's visions of future events, including the coming judgment and the establishment of a new, righteous order. It also explores topics such as the nature of heaven and hell, the resurrection of the dead, and the final destiny of the righteous and the wicked.

What's so special about this book?

The Book of Enoch is a very old book that some people believe was written by a man named Enoch a long time ago. It talks about angels, fallen angels, and prophecies. The book was not included in the Bible because some people didn't think it was as important as the other books. In fact, some religious leaders even condemned it as heresy.
For many years, the Book of Enoch was lost and forgotten, but in the 18th century, an explorer named James Bruce found copies of it in Ethiopia. These copies were written in a language called Ethiopic and were brought back to Europe. The first English translation of the book was made in the 19th century.
The Book of Enoch is believed to have been written a long time ago, possibly before the time of Jesus. It contains descriptions of the fallen angels and their judgment, which Jesus himself talked about. In fact, there are many similarities between the words of Jesus and the Book of Enoch.
Even though the Book of Enoch is not in the Bible, it was once accepted by some early Christians as an important scripture. It was also used by other writers and mentioned by some early church fathers. Fragments of the book were even found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
There are still debates about the Book of Enoch, but some people think it has valuable information and insights. It's a mysterious book that has fascinated people for centuries, and its ancient origins and teachings continue to be studied and discussed today.

An overview of What's Inside the Book of Enoch:


Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 1 - Blessing of Enoch
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 2 - The Creation
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 3 - The Fallen Angels
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 4 - Intercession of Angels
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 5 - Book of the Words of Righteousness
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 6 - Taken by Angels
Book 1 - Watchers - Ch. 7 - The Holy Angels
Book 2 - Parables - Ch. 1 - The First Parable
Book 2 - Parables - Ch. 2 - The Second Parable
Book 2 - Parables - Ch. 3 - The Third Parable
Book 3 - Book of Noah - Ch. 1 - Birth of Noah
Book 3 - Book of Noah - Ch. 2 - Calling Enoch
Book 3 - Book of Noah - Ch. 3 - Judgement of Angels
Book 3 - Book of Noah - Ch. 4 - Secrets of the Parables
Book 4 - Kingdom of Heaven - Ch. 1 - Enoch is Taken
Book 4 - Kingdom of Heaven - Ch. 2 The Luminaries of Heaven
Book 4 - Kingdom of Heaven - Ch. 3 - Heavenly Tablets
Book 4 - Kingdom of Heaven - Ch. 4 - One Year to Record
Book 4 - Kingdom of Heaven - Ch. 5 - Visions
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 1 - Guidance of Enoch
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 2 - Wisdom of Enoch
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 3 - Wisdom of Enoch
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 4 - Wisdom of Enoch
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 5 - Wisdom of Enoch
Book 5 - Epistle of Enoch - Ch. 6 - Revelation of Enoch 

Why was it removed from the slave Bible?

The Book of Enoch was not included in the slave Bible. The slave Bible was a heavily edited version of the Bible that was used during the period of slavery in the 19th century. Its purpose was to promote obedience and docility among enslaved Africans by removing portions of the Bible that could potentially inspire thoughts of liberation or empowerment.
The slave Bible contained significant omissions, particularly removing sections that emphasized freedom, justice, and resistance. While the specific reasons for excluding the Book of Enoch from the slave Bible are not documented, it is likely that it was omitted because of its apocalyptic and visionary nature, as well as its content that was not directly related to the narrative of the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament.
The Book of Enoch, with its profound mystical and cosmological teachings, might have been seen as potentially subversive or difficult to control within the context of slaveholders' efforts to maintain control and subjugation. Therefore, it was likely excluded to prevent enslaved individuals from accessing its ideas and interpretations that could challenge the institution of slavery.
It's important to remember that the slave Bible was a tool of manipulation and control, and its editing and omission of certain biblical texts were done with the intention of suppressing ideas that could challenge the status quo and empower the enslaved population.

Why was the Book of Enoch excluded from the biblical canon?

  • The Book of Enoch is not included in the traditional Jewish or Christian biblical canons. The reasons for its exclusion vary depending on different religious traditions and historical contexts.
  • In Judaism, the Book of Enoch was not included in the canon because its authorship was not attributed to one of the recognized prophets, and its teachings and content were deemed outside the normative Jewish theological framework.
  • In Christianity, the exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the canon can be attributed to similar reasons, as well as the fact that some of its content was seen as incompatible with mainstream Christian doctrine. Additionally, the book's authorship was questioned, and its wide circulation among certain Christian communities raised concerns about its authenticity.

Themes found throughout the Book of Enoch:

  • The fall of the Watchers: The Book of Enoch explores the story of the fallen angels and their corrupting influence on humanity. It delves into themes of rebellion, divine judgment, and the consequences of disobedience.
  • Apocalyptic visions: The book contains vivid descriptions of future events, presenting an apocalyptic worldview. It touches on themes of eschatology, the end times, and the final judgment.
  • Divine knowledge and revelation: Enoch's encounters with celestial beings and his reception of divine knowledge are central themes in the book. It emphasizes the importance of divine revelation in understanding the spiritual realm and humanity's place within it.
  • Moral teachings and ethical conduct: The Book of Enoch offers moral exhortations and instructions for righteous living. It emphasizes the need for obedience to God's commandments and warns against the pitfalls of sinful behavior.
  • The righteous and the wicked: The book discusses the destinies of the righteous and the wicked, presenting a vision of reward and punishment in the afterlife. It underscores the importance of righteous living and the ultimate justice of God.



Chapter 2- The Creation - Summary

In Chapter 2 of The Book of Enoch, we are invited to observe and reflect on the natural order of the world. It tells us to pay attention to the consistent patterns and processes we see in the heavens and on Earth. The stars and planets maintain their orbits, rising and setting at predictable times. The Earth remains steady, with unchanging seasons and reliable natural phenomena like rain and dew.
During the summer, the heat is intense, making it uncomfortable to be outside. However, the trees thrive, covered in green leaves and bearing fruit. These observations are meant to help us appreciate the beauty and stability of the natural world, which reflect the works of a divine creator.
On the other hand, the text also addresses the disobedience of humans. It criticizes those who have turned away from God and spoken arrogantly against Him. It warns that their actions and words will bring curses and destruction upon themselves. The righteous, however, will find forgiveness, mercy, and peace.
The text emphasizes the importance of wisdom and humility. It states that the wise will not fall into sin but will lead a life free from anger and pride. They will experience peace and joy, and their days will be filled with contentment and happiness.
Overall, this text encourages us to observe and appreciate the order and beauty of the natural world while reminding us of the consequences of disobedience and the rewards of righteousness.


Chapter 3- Fallen Angels- Summary

During ancient times, angels from heaven saw that human women were beautiful and desired them. The angels made a plan to have relationships with these women and teach them forbidden knowledge. Their leader, Semjaza, was initially afraid of the consequences, but all the angels agreed to proceed. They descended to Mount Hermon and swore an oath there.

The angels, led by Semjaza, chose human wives and engaged in immoral acts with them. They also taught the women forbidden knowledge, such as magic spells and the use of plants for enchantments. The women became pregnant and gave birth to giant offspring who were three thousand ells tall. These giants consumed all the resources of humankind and turned against them, devouring people.

The giants went on to commit wicked acts not only against humans but also against animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. They engaged in cannibalism and bloodshed. The earth witnessed their lawlessness and cried out against them.

Azazel, one of the fallen angels, taught humans how to make weapons and various crafts. This led to widespread wickedness among the people, who became corrupt in every aspect of their lives.

Different fallen angels taught humans different forms of knowledge: Semjaza taught enchantments and herbal remedies, Armaros taught how to undo enchantments, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel taught about constellations, Ezeqeel taught about clouds, Araqiel taught about earthly signs, Shamsiel taught about solar signs, and Sariel taught about lunar cycles.

As a consequence of their actions, people suffered greatly, and they cried out to God for help.

In summary, angels from heaven descended to earth and had relationships with human women, teaching them forbidden knowledge. The women gave birth to giant offspring who caused destruction. The giants turned against humans and engaged in wicked acts. The fallen angels also taught humans how to make weapons and engaged in immoral behavior. People suffered, and they cried out to God for help.



Chapter 6:Taken by Angels

Chapter 6, describe a series of visions and experiences that Enoch, the central figure, had. In these visions, Enoch is taken by angels to various places and shown remarkable sights.

Enoch first encounters angelic beings who appear as fiery and sometimes take the form of men. They lead him to a place of darkness and a towering mountain that reaches the heavens. Enoch sees the luminaries, treasuries of the stars, thunder, and other celestial phenomena.

He is then shown the living waters and the fiery western region where the sun sets. Enoch observes a river of fire that flows like water and empties into the great sea to the west. He witnesses the great rivers, the depths, and the mountains of winter darkness where the waters originate.

Enoch is shown the mouths of all the rivers, the treasuries of the winds, and the foundation of the earth. He sees the four winds that support the heavens and the winds that move the sun and the clouds on Earth. He witnesses the paths of the angels and reaches a place where seven magnificent mountains stand, three to the east and three to the south. The central mountain extends to the heavens and resembles God's throne.

Beyond these mountains, Enoch sees a region that marks the end of the earth. He observes a deep abyss with columns of heavenly fire, and he witnesses falling columns of fire. There is a desolate place without a firmament or a firmly grounded earth, devoid of water and birds.

Enoch then sees seven stars resembling burning mountains and asks about their significance. An angel explains that this place is a prison for the stars and the host of heaven who transgressed against God's commandment. They are bound until the day of great judgment, while the women who went astray with them become sirens.

The chapter concludes with Enoch emphasizing that he alone has seen these visions, which reveal the ends of all things, and that no other person will see as he has seen.

In summary, Chapter 6 of the Book of Enoch depicts Enoch's extraordinary journey guided by angels, where he witnesses celestial wonders, mystical locations, and the consequences of divine judgment. These visions provide insights into the nature of the cosmos and the spiritual realms.


What is this fire symbolizing?

Throughout the text, fire is described as a prominent element in various locations and objects. It symbolizes the divine nature, authority, and power. The flaming fire, which the angels resemble, signifies their celestial and otherworldly nature.

The river of fire mentioned in the scriptures represents a boundary or division between realms, particularly between the earthly and spiritual realms. It symbolizes a purifying and separating force, separating the mundane from the sacred.

Additionally, fire is connected to divine punishment and the consequences of disobedience. The falling columns of fire in the abyss represent the judgment and punishment for the stars and the host of heaven who transgressed against God's commandment.

Fire also has an illuminating aspect, representing knowledge and enlightenment. It reveals hidden truths and unveils mysteries. It is through the visions and encounters with fiery phenomena that Enoch gains insight into the workings of the universe.

Overall, fire in this context symbolizes divine presence, purification, judgment, separation, and illumination. It underscores the transcendent and powerful nature of the spiritual realms and the consequences of disobedience and transgression.


  Chapter 7:The Holy Angels-Summary

Chapter 7 of The Book of Enoch describes the names and roles of several holy angels who watch over mankind. The chapter begins by listing the names of the angels: Uriel, who is over the world and Tartarus; Raphael, who is over the spirits of men; Raguel, who takes vengeance on the world; Michael, who is set over the best part of mankind and chaos; Saraqael, who is set over the spirits that sin in the spirit; Gabriel, who is over Paradise, serpents, and Cherubim; and Remiel, who is set over those who rise.
Enoch proceeds to witness a chaotic and horrible place with no heaven or firmly founded earth. He sees seven stars bound together like burning mountains and wonders why they are bound. Uriel explains to Enoch that these stars are fallen angels who have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and are bound until their sins are consummated after ten thousand years.
Enoch then sees another place, even more horrible than the previous one, with a great fire that burns and blazes. He sees columns of fire descending into an abyss, and Uriel tells him that this place is the prison of the angels who will be imprisoned there forever.
Moving on, Enoch arrives at a mountain of hard rock with four deep and wide hollow places. These hollow places are created for the spirits of the dead to assemble until the day of judgment and punishment. There are separate divisions for the spirits of the righteous, the spirits of those who were slain and make suit for disclosure, and the spirits of sinners.
Enoch witnesses a dead man making suit, and he learns that it is the spirit of Abel, who was slain by his brother Cain. Abel's spirit makes suit against Cain until his seed is destroyed from the earth. Enoch asks about the purpose of the divisions between the hollow places, and he is told that they are made for the separation of different types of spirits.
Enoch praises the Lord for His righteousness and eternal rule. He then continues his journey and sees a burning fire in the west that persecutes the luminaries of heaven. He sees another mountain range of fire that burns day and night. Beyond that, he sees seven magnificent mountains, each with its own unique characteristics.
Enoch is captivated by a particular tree with an exquisite fragrance. Michael explains that this tree is reserved for the righteous and holy, and its fruit will be for their food. Enoch blesses the Lord and expresses his gratitude for the preparations made for the righteous.
Enoch explores various other places, including a blessed land filled with trees, a holy mountain with a stream, and a valley of water with fragrant trees. He sees mountains with nectar, aromatic trees, and aloe-trees. He also observes seven mountains full of choice nard, fragrant trees, cinnamon, and pepper.
Enoch travels to the Garden of Righteousness and sees two great trees: the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Wisdom. These trees are associated with the knowledge gained by his parents, Adam and Eve, when they ate from them. Enoch continues his journey and encounters various beasts and birds, each differing in appearance and beauty.
Finally, Enoch reaches the ends of the earth and sees portals of heaven opening in different directions, allowing the winds, including cold, hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain, to blow on the earth. He witnesses the same portals and winds in the west and the south. Enoch also sees three eastern portals and small portals above them through which the stars of heaven pass.
In summary, Chapter 7 of The Book of Enoch provides a detailed account of Enoch's encounters with holy angels, the punishment and imprisonment of fallen angels, the divisions of hollow places, including NIV version of The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7.
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